Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Vicky's Favourite Digipak

In terms of the cover I really like the use of the two fonts: One for the artists name and the other for the name of the album. The use of two main colours (gold and white) highlights the type of music it is as it gives the impression that the music is going to be quite relaxing as the white connotes purity and innocents. The fact that the artists name is in a hand written styled font creates the look of the album being signed (this has also been used by other singers such as Pixie Lott). The fact that on the cover there is a medium shot of Taylor Swift also highlights who is singing the song and advertises her as a person. unlike album covers from other genres such as rock they mainly use images which are then related to them as a group. Folk pop however is mainly based on the person.

The use of the same font on the disk as the cover creates the continuity through out the digipak. I also like the gradient on the disk as it creates more of a natural look to the disk compared to a block colour which in my opinion wouldn't work with this kind of genre. Also the plainness of the background avoids taking the attention away from the writing at the top.
As I have previously said the hand written styled font is also used on the back cover. One thing that stands out to me is that the track list is kept seperate from the image of the artist, this means that the writing is easy to read and also that the artist is not being blocked by the text washing over her face. Also the colours have been used on the back page which also makes the digipak have a uniformed look through out.

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