Saturday, November 16, 2013

Editing Moving Pictures

In order to add an interesting aspect to our music video, we decided to include an element of moving images. We believed that this would allow our editing techniques to be portrayed to the audience while successfully appealing to them and enticing them to continue watching the video.

Therefore, today we attempted to produce this effect within our video in order to add an element of uniqueness and to intrigue the viewer. We achieved this effect through using the programme, After Effects. Using this programme enabled us to place the footage of a certain location over the top of the moodboard which we used as a prop within the video. We then scaled these pieces of footage to an appropriate size so that they appeared to be a part of the moodboard. We then finally placed these pieces of footage into our final music video and it appears as though the images on the moodboard within the video.

We placed this effect on three images; the image in the forest, the image in the city centre and the image at the beach. We placed these effects on the images of these locations as these are the places that the narrative actress visits within the three dream sequences within the video. Therefore, it looks like it is her dream coming to life which is the message that we were attempting to convey. Therefore, the use of After Effects successfully made the narrative of our music video far more easier to understand for the target audience.

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