Friday, November 8, 2013

Re-filming in Jesmond Dene

Today we re-filmed some of the footage for the forest scene at Jesmond Dene in order to improve upon our original footage. After receiving the feedback for our rough cut, we decided to re-film some of the forest footage at Jesmond Dene. Therefore, that is what we completed today. We were informed by our target audience that, during the footage taken in the forest, the narrative actress doesn't look happy enough. Therefore, when re-filming this section of the video we ensured that she appeared happier to emphasise the fact that it is supposed to be a dream sequence. For instance, we re-filmed the clip when she walks across the bridge as we noticed that the camera moves slightly at this point in our rough cut video so we ensured that the tripod was set up correctly. We also filmed some more footage of our actress, Nuala, for the narrative part of our video in the forest because we received some criticism from our rough cut as she didn't appear to be very happy. Therefore, we filmed clips in which she looks happy to make it look more like her ideal dream of being free outdoors rather than in the constraints of her home.
Here are some photographs of us during filming.

Our crew helped us with the idea of the actress being at one with nature by throwing leaves over her.

We ensured that the tripod was set up correctly before filming the scene when our actress crosses the bridge to allow for a smooth effect.

We re-filmed a clip of the opening sequence to the forest scene as we needed to place this image on the collage which she will use in the indoor scene. It was re-filmed to ensure the lighting was suitable.

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