Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Song Ideas

With the digipak being designed for an album instead of a single we had to come up with some possible ideas for other tracks that would be featured on the album.
These are the names that made it to the digipak:

The Myriad    
Can't Let Go
The Escape
Out On My Own
The Train At The Station
Dead In My Mind
Fate Or Fortune

These are the names that didn't make it onto the digipak:

Another Day
Slow Motion
Day Dreams

The reasons that these names didn't get onto the digipak is because they all sound like very depressing songs  for example Alone and Another Day where as some of the others have the feeling that they strive to do something and will do anything to get there for example The Escape and Out On My Own. Furthermore, on the style models which we looked at, the majority of their songs represented positivity and ambition and we attempted to convey a similar message in order to make it more successful amongst the target audience.

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