Monday, November 18, 2013

Edited Lighting Correction

We recently re-filmed our scene which took place at the beach. However, due to the time of the year, it was difficult to film at a time when the natural lighting was suitably bright and it began to get slightly dark towards the end of our filming.

Therefore, we edited this on Adobe Premier as we altered the brightness and contrast of the clips to make the lighting appear more appropriate and lighter which also made it relatively easier to see. This was achieved by increasing the intensity of the brightness and contrast. We also slightly adjusted the curves in order to alter the colour of the footage to make it appear warmer. In order to achieve this effect, we increased the master curve to increase the brightness of the clips and we also added hints of red to each clip using the curves tool making this section of footage appear more like a dream sequence.

Here are some pictures before and after we edited the lighting.

As you can see this greatly improved our footage and created an overall more happy vibe to this set of shots.

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