Saturday, November 9, 2013


When filming the rough cut, we used a lot of equipment to aid the overall appearance of our initial footage.


When filming all of our footage, we used a professional SLR camera which we acquired from the school media department. Using this camera enabled us to get high quality footage in order to make our video appear more professional.


For all filming, we used a tripod which we placed the camera on to ensure it was still throughout the entire filming process and to make sure that it didn't move around. This also allowed us to improve the camera movement as we were able to pan vertically and horizontally more smoothly making the footage appear more professional.

Redhead Lights

When we filmed indoors, we were advised that domestic lighting may appear too dull and may not appear very effective when it was watched back. Therefore, we used the redhead lights which were provided by the school. We used two of these in the house scene to add a brighter effect to the footage. We pointed them against blank walls and the light reflected onto the subject of our footage so the light wasn't too harsh and was softer and more natural.


For the indoor scenes, we also used a dolly on which we placed the camera so we could move it around smoothly as we could simply use the wheels to move the camera around rather than having to move it by hand or zoom in on the camera. This allowed for smooth movement when filming tracking shots making our footage appear more professional.

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