Friday, November 15, 2013

Indoors Mise En Scene

A piece of feedback we received from a teacher after our rough cut was that we needed to think more carefully about mise en scene and how this can help to convey certain meanings. After thinking about this we chose to add the following things into the scene in the house when we were filming earlier this week:

Holiday brochures: we wanted to demonstrate that going out to places no matter how near or far away they may be is what is constantly on her mind, we thought that they magazines helped to show how much she dreams of leaving and travelling.  

Books: a key way in showing that somebody never leaves the house is by placing books in the background of the scene, this helped to demonstrate how much time she has just sitting around inside. It also shows how much she likes to dream and be in a world different to the real one she lives in. We also deliberately chose the book on the end to be there as on the cover is a picture of a key, a symbol that we have already thought about using as it displays the idea that the girl is the one who holds the 'key' to her own release and freedom.

The Lighthouse: we like the idea of having hidden symbolism within the video, by hiding the little lighthouse in amongst the books we thought this was a nice link to the shots that actually take place at the lighthouse. 

Mug: alongside the books we chose to put a mug on the windowsill, as we thought this also represented someone who doesn't leave this house and it also has connotations of comfort and warmth. We also specifically selected a mug with a cute outdoorsy design that also displayed her desire to experience the world.

Although none of these items are featured heavily within the video we hope that this attention to detail will really help to create an overall more professional tone to the video and make it easier to convey the idea of a girl struggling with agoraphobia.

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