Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Anna's Favourite Digipak

My favourite digipak is for an album by Ellie Goulding.


On the cover of the digipak, a close-up of the artist is presented. This immediately enables the target audience to recognise the artist behind this album and it allows them to understand that she is the primary focus of this product. The close-up shot also makes the product seem more personal and it will allow the intended buyer to relate to the artist more easily.
Furthermore, a swirly, handwritten style of font has been used to present the name of the artist and the name of the album. This font allows the text to look like a signature which further adds a personal touch as it is suggested that the artist has signed this album personally for each specific member of the target market making them persuaded to purchase the album. Also the title of the album is 'The Writer' which allows the style of font to relate to this as it looks like the artist has personally written it, suggesting that she is the writer. The name of the album also relates to the artist as she is well-known for writing many of her songs herself which will appeal to the fans of Ellie Goulding.
The text is presented in a black coloured font which would not usually stand out on this page as the image in the background is also relatively dark in colour. Therefore, the text is backed with white boxes to enable the writing to stand out on the page in contrast so that the potential audience is able to read the writing more easily and it will be more eye-catching for them.
Image looks natural and is genre specific. she looks windswept


The disc for this album includes an image in the background. This allows it to appear more busy and interesting than the more conventional album discs which often just have a plain colour in the background.more busy less plain more interesting. This image presents a picture of the artist to suggest that she is the main focus of this product as she is presented on each page of the digipak in order to eliminate confusion throughout.
Furthermore, the font on the disc is also presented in a swirly, handwritten style to continue the personal touch which was suggested on the cover of the album. The text on the disc is further presented in front of white boxes to enable it to stand out on the disc to the viewer making it easier for them to read.


The inside page of this digipak includes a relatively simple image of the artist playing her guitar in the recording studio. This allows the genre of the album to be conveyed as Ellie Goulding is an acoustic-pop style artist who writes her own songs and this is suggested through this image. The prop of the guitar in this photograph also conveys the fact that Ellie Goulding is a talented musician whose music is entirely her own as she is able to produce backing tracks for her songs on her own. This will appeal to music fans as it suggests that she is talented in the music industry. Also, the image on the inside page has been edited using a warm filter in order to make it portray an element of happiness and content and, therefore, specifying the a=target market more specifically.


On the back page of this digipak, the rule of thirds has successfully been applied as the text is presented on the left-hand side of the page and this allows an image to be included on the opposite side. Therefore, it efficiently uses up all of the space on the page to make it appear more interesting and less empty. The rule of thirds is a theory which suggests that the viewer's eye line is directly attracted to a number of specific points on a page. Therefore, the image and the track names have been presented on these points to attract the potential buyer's attention to them and to allow them to stand out on the page.
The image which has been presented is also appears relatively natural to portray the artist as a very down-to-earth individual which makes this page very genre specific as it suggests that Ellie Goulding's songs reflect her personality.
Furthermore, on the image, the artist is presented in the foreground in full focus while the of the natural landscape background is out of focus. This allows her to stand out on the page and it confirms to the intended market that this is the artist and she is the main focus of this product.
Similar to on the other pages of this digipak, the text is presented in a hand written font and backed with white boxes to enable it to stand out on the page in contrast to the light coloured boxes making it easier for the viewer to make out what the text says.
Finally, on the back page, a barcode and logo are included. This is suggestive of the fact that this album in a official copy as it adds a more professional touch to the album.

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