Saturday, October 26, 2013

Rough Cut Questionnaire Feedback

We presented our video to a focus group of members from within our target market in our media class and asked them to fill out a questionnaire in response to the video. Beneath are the questions we asked and the answers which we found more appropriate in terms praise and helping us improve out video.

What would you rate our video out of 10 and why?
9- Very good performance and lighting is good.
7- There is a wide variety of shots, locations, camera angles etc.
8- Strong narrative, needs a stronger performance.
8- really good idea that matches the song.
7- some really good parts. The narrative actress is good.
8- Good narrative. The zoom into picture shots look very good.
9- for a rough cut it is really well done and could pull off a final version due to lack of mistakes or clear problems.

Was the narrative understandable?
Everyone answered yes.

Did the ratio of performance to narrative work in the video?
- I think there should be more cuts to the performer as it would help define the artist.
- Yes, 50/50
- A little bit more performance would have been nice.
- Yes, really well!
- I think you need a stronger performance. It is currently 90/10 but needs to be 70/30.
- Yes, a good balance with slightly more narrative.

Was the mise-en-scene appropriate for the folk/pop genre?
- Yes, I thought it was quite modern with the house scenes.
- The outfits were very fitting to the genre.
- Yes, the performance was so good, love the setting, however, the wellies look a bit odd.
- Yes, I loved the use of locations and the performer looked simple.
- Yes but it was a bit too dark, lighter outdoors would look better.
- Most, apart from the house scenes. It looks a bit local and ammature, perhaps shoot somewhere a bit less residential to show loneliness.
-Yes, acoustic/indie.

For the final video, what changes should be made? Are there any sections you think need filming again?
- I think the performer should be in an open space somewhere that fits with the feel of the song/genre.
- Some performance didn't really match up with the lyrics.
- The beach, it is a bit grim. Film again on a sunny day.
- The singer should sing more dramatically and have more eye contact with the camera.
- Some of the shots are quite shaky instead of being still. I also think the shots in the house should be done again because the lighting looks a bit yellow.
- Have a stronger performance.
- Loved the time lapse and the zooming in of the pictures but possibly have better acting to convey emotions.

Overall, we will take into account most of the constructive criticism in order to improve our video.

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