Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rough Cut Analysis

We received a lot of responses from our media teachers for our rough cut video including a lot of positive feedback. The choice of location for the performance was greatly admired by the majority of viewers as they thought it appeared grand and majestic while still being suitable in terms of relating to the lyrics of the song due to the fact the majority is indoors.
The range of angles was also positively commented on along with the use of effects which were applied when editing. This was enhanced by the fact that we applied the rule of thirds on a number of occasions. These made our rough cut video appear professional.
The plot narrative was clear and simple to understand for the viewers and we learnt that the entire video was generally very competent when put together.

However, we also received a lot of constructive criticism and realised we had things which we needed to improve upon. We are required to film the majority of the footage again in order to ensure it is all high quality. We believe it will be better quality if we film again as we are more organised now and realise what we can do to improve upon the previous footage. Choosing a day when the weather is appropriate is a vital aspect to relate to the 'dream' sequence of the plot as well as ensuring that lighting is suitable, we apply the rule of thirds and make sure that it is all in perfect focus. Therefore, we will film most of the footage again.
The lighting on some of our shots appears relatively dark and dull due to the unfortunate weather on the day of filming meaning it would look better if we applied a bright filter to the shots taken outside.
The zoom into the photographs turns pixelated as it moved closer towards the photograph. This is due to the fact that we used a zoomed transition between the two shots. However, we now understand that it will be of a higher quality if we use a manual zoom on the camera when we film so we are required to film this section again.

In terms of acting, there is not really an evident change in facial expression between the shots taken inside and outside whereas the concept of the video states that she should look happy when outside and unhappy when inside. We know that the actress is capable of achieving this so we will simply film some more shots and impose them into the video to show a change in emotions at the different locations. The performance actress also needs to improve in terms of her guitar playing. It is obvious that she is not really playing the guitar as she is not able to do this, however, this makes it look very unrealistic. Therefore, we will re-film the performance of the video when she will make an effort to make it look more realistic. Furthermore, we will ask someone who is able to play the guitar properly to do so and we will shoot some close-ups of her hands as she does this to make it appear more realistic.

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