Sunday, October 13, 2013

Codes and Conventions

It is vital that our target audience appreciate the codes and conventions of our music video. Therefore, we asked them what features of camerawork, editing and mise en scene would appeal to them in a music video to discover what will engage their attention.

Smooth Footage
Using a Tripod
Range of Shots (Establishing/Close-up/High-Angle/Canted-Angle)
Range of Movement (Tracking/Panning/Handheld)

Lots of Cuts
Interesting Transitions
Fast or Slow Paced
Use of Filters
Suitable Colour Correction
Alter the Speed of Clips (Fast Motion/Slow Motion)

Mise en scene
Interesting Props
Suitable Appearance (Hair/Make-Up)
Relevant Costumes
A Range of Interesting Locations

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