Thursday, October 17, 2013

Indoor Narrative Costume

For the costume for the house scenes, we wanted to take into account Levi Strauss' theory of binary opposites. We wished to show an evident contrast between the costume she wears indoors and the costume she wears outdoors. For the indoor scenes, we wished for the costume to appear relatively dark and comfortable to show that, although she is unhappy, she feels safe and comfortable in the comfort of her own home.
The first item of clothing was a dark coloured woollen jumper. This represents unhappiness through the use of dark colours and it also conveys a theme of comfort and safety.

We then decided the actress should be wearing dark coloured skinny jeans, again to have a similar effect.

The actress is also wearing tan coloured Chelsea boots which appear very basic and simple.

And she has her hair styled in a fishtail plait placed on the side to represent constrained and to suggest a lack of freedom in comparison to her free-flowing hair when she is outdoors.
This shows an evident contrast between her appearance when she is outdoors and when she is indoors and, overall, it presents her as an average young girl to allow the intended audience to have the ability to relate to the character personally.

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