Thursday, October 3, 2013

Casting Decision

After we confirmed through our target audience research that two different actresses would be preferred for our video we decided to start thinking about who to cast. The people that we decided on were: Jess Rootham for the performance and Nuala Schweppe for the narrative. Here are the reasons for why we selected them for the parts:

We chose Jess for the performance as she is very confident in acting and singing and therefore can perform in front of the camera without getting self conscieous. She also has really nice long hair which works well within our chosen genre of folk/pop.

We chose Nuala as the protagonist because yet again she has a lot of acting experience and so can follow direction well, making our job easier when it comes to filming the video. We also thought she would work well as she has quite a pale complection and therefore asthetically suits the role of someone who is afraid to be outside.

Another key factor in our casting of Jess and Nuala was that they both have completely contrasting hair colours which we thought was important as we really wanted to establish a distinct difference between the narrative and perdormance aspects of our video.

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