Friday, December 6, 2013

Photoshop Toolbar

We commonly used the box tool in order to select parts of pages on the digipak and advert when we wished to move them around the page.

We also used the magnetic lasso tool which allowed us to place points around images to cut them out and remove them from the background.

We used the crop tool in order to crop features on each page to make them smaller or to remove certain aspects.

When producing the cover of the digipak, we noticed that a basket ball net was placed in the shot outside of the window. Therefore, we used the clone stamp tool in order to remove this by selecting areas of the image from around the section we wanted to remove, and placing them over the top of it. We then used the healing tool to blend over where we used the clone stamp tool to make it appear more natural and realistic.

On the disc of the album, we used the gradient tool in order to add a slight fade to the image on the disc.

Furthermore, the text tool enabled us to place vital pieces of text on both of our ancillary tasks.


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