Saturday, December 7, 2013

InDesign Toolbar

When using InDesign, we commonly used the mouse tools in order to allow us to move features on the pages of our ancillary texts around to position them suitably. We also used these tools to alter the size of various features on the pages such as frames for images and text boxes.

The text tool allowed us to produce vital pieces of text for both the digipak and advert.

The frame tool enabled us to produce a number of frames in order to construct the general layout for the pages. Therefore, we were able to simply import the images and pieces of text into these frames in order to produce the final result.

Finally, the colour tool meant that we were able to change the colours of features on the pages such as text. Therefore, we successfully abided by the consisted colour scheme throughout to add an element of consistency and to suggest that all of the ancillary texts relate to each other.

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