Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Evaluation: Question Four

Here is our evaluation answer  to the question: How did you use media technologies in the construction and planning, research and evaluation stages?

Evaluation: Question Three

Here is our evaluation answer to the question: How have you used your audience feedback?

Evaluation: Question Two

Here is our evaluation answer to the question: How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advert)?

Evaluation: Question One

Here is our evaluation answer to the question: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Question 1 Initial Ideas


- Use of earthy Locations
- Mise en scene (costume - dress/props - guitar)
- Editing on the beat of the song
- Frequently cross-cutting between the performance and narrative
- Using a wide range of camera shots and movement
- The first shot in the video is of the artist
- The first line of the chorus if of the artist performing the song

- We had a more even ratio of performance and narrative
- We included moving pictures
- We had a more varied range of different locations

- We had a different actress for the performance and narrative sections
- There weren't many close-ups during our performance as we wanted to present the mise en scene
- Our last shot was not of the artist
- Our editing was faster paced



- The artist is presented on the cover
- We applied the rule of thirds

- Our signature style font was placed differently and on a canted angle

- We used a long-shot of the artist
- We used the prop of the guitar
- The artist wasn't making direct eye contact with the camera


- The record label was included
- We had a picture on the background not just a plain colour
- The artists name is included

- We had a link between our cover and disc through the incorporation of the prop of the guitar

- We used a picture on the background to create a busy theme


- The artist is present

- The artist is present but she is not the main focus of the page

- We had 9 small images rather than 1 large image.


- We included track numbers
- We included a barcode
- We included fine print
- We included a logo
- We included a website address

- We used a wider range of fonts
- We included a similar typewriter font
- We altered the placement of the barcode

- We used the rule of thirds and placed the writing on the left-hand side of the page
- Ours was more busy and colourful


- We included a small image of the album cover in the bottom corner of the page
- We included ratings from popular magazines and newspapers
- We included the name of the artist
- We included the date when the album is due to come out
- We included the names of some of the tracks which are included on the album

- We used a painted border which we produced on Adobe Photoshop

- Ours is darker in colour
- Our image is in focus in the foreground and out of focus in the background
- Our image is not a photograph of the artist but it is a photograph of a key to relate to the theme

Monday, December 9, 2013


Now that we have completed our music video and both ancillary tasks (the digipak and advert), we must produce an evaluation video to explain what we did, how we did it and why we did it. This evaluation must be a maximum of 20 minutes long and, in it, we must answer 4 questions.

These are the questions that we were required to answer:

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2. How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and acillary texts (digipak and advert)?

3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We therefore recorded our initial ideas to ensure that we will incorporate all of the vital content which is required to be incorporated within our evaluation video.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

InDesign Toolbar

When using InDesign, we commonly used the mouse tools in order to allow us to move features on the pages of our ancillary texts around to position them suitably. We also used these tools to alter the size of various features on the pages such as frames for images and text boxes.

The text tool allowed us to produce vital pieces of text for both the digipak and advert.

The frame tool enabled us to produce a number of frames in order to construct the general layout for the pages. Therefore, we were able to simply import the images and pieces of text into these frames in order to produce the final result.

Finally, the colour tool meant that we were able to change the colours of features on the pages such as text. Therefore, we successfully abided by the consisted colour scheme throughout to add an element of consistency and to suggest that all of the ancillary texts relate to each other.