Friday, September 20, 2013

Questionnaire Results

In order to make our video as good as possible we need to do some target audience research, so we put together this questionnaire and distributed it to 30 members of our target audience (people aged between 15-25s). Here are the results:

Q1 What is your favourite genre of music? 

As you can see the majority of people selected pop as their favourite genre of music, this is helpful to us as we are doing a folk/pop song. However as our song is also slightly folkish this means that our song isn’t overly mainstream and does have a somewhat more niche audience.  

Q2 Do you prefer male or female artists?

 The results for this question were less definitive. The people we surveyed were fairly split on this, which leads us to believe that the gender of artist is not as important to our audience, therefore our decision to do a female artist is not affected by this.

Q3 Do you prefer narrative or performance?  

 Interestingly most of the people we asked said that they preferred narrative to performance as they thought this helped them to see the song in a different way and liked how individual and fresh this could make the song. This means that we are going to work hard at creating a really captivating storyline that’s easy to follow. We are also thinking of having a 60/40 narrative/performance split as performance is still a very key element in this genre of music.

Q4 Who is your favourite artist and why? 

After asking our target audience who their favourite artists were these were the top answers we collected. Interestingly these artists are all solo artists leading us to believe that our target audience prefers individual artists and therefore we think it would be best if in our video we had the artist appearing by themselves and without a backing band. Also the majority of these artists play and write their own music, we hope to reflect this in our video, perhaps having the artist playing the guitar or piano at points. 

Q5 What colours do you like and why?

Most people we asked said they really liked bright, vibrant colours as this is a particularly captivating feature of the music videos they watch. Interestingly a few members of our target audience told us that they preferred very ‘natural, earthy colours.’ Keeping this in mind we think it is very important to select interesting outdoor locations with vibrant colours that will appeal to our key demographic.

Q6 What do you think is the most important aspect of a music video and why?

The two areas that people thought were the most important were; locations and an interesting storyline. This means that we need to really utilise the correct camerawork to help convey a story. I t has also helped reaffirm just how integral the locations are to creating a professional standard video.

Q7 Would you prefer the narrative and performance to be played by the same person or a different person and why? 

Most people said they thought two different people would be better as they thought that it helped create a clearer distinction between who the artist actually was and what was happening in the video. However the people that preferred having just one actor said it was because they wanted to see as much of the artist as possible. For our video we think it would be best to go with the people who like having different actors as we think having a video focused entirely on one person could at times become visually uninteresting. 

Q8 Do you like happy or sad music videos and why?

We included this question in our survey as we have been undecided on whether the end of the video should be happy or sad. Two thirds of the people we asked preferred a sad video as they thought it had a more profound and lasting effect on them and that sometimes happy endings can be cliché and too predictable. Taking this into consideration we will most likely utilise a more sombre ending to our video.

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